Michael Furnifer, Adam Roper, Ashley English, Chris Pavey, Robert Dunn
Ashley English & Friends raising funds for The Good Shepherd Hospice, Cheshire at the London Marathon 2024 in memory of Ashley's Wife and much missed family member and friend Tanya English.
At the Cutty Sark (6.5 miles) BBC Sport's Steve Brown caught up with Ashley and interviewed him about his reasons for running The 2024 London Marathon. You can watch the clip above that went out live on the day.

21st April 11:30am and in Bermondsey at around the 11 mile mark I find Tanya's mum and dad Mark && Netty Brown along with Asley's sister Carly also Ashley's Mum Linda with Ellis, Myles and Ewan
Below: Awaiting the arrival and Ashley & Chris. The 'Elite' Michael Adam & Robert have long since gone past.
Below: Awaiting the arrival and Ashley & Chris. The 'Elite' Michael Adam & Robert have long since gone past.
Above: Ashley & Chris round the corner for our first sight of them on the route.
Below. Ashley catches a hug along with encouragement from Tanya's Mum and Dad, Mark & Netty. Ed on the left looking very pleased to witness the lovely moment.
Below. Ashley catches a hug along with encouragement from Tanya's Mum and Dad, Mark & Netty. Ed on the left looking very pleased to witness the lovely moment.

Below: Ashley spots Michaels wife and Adams wife in Bermondsey. Michaels wife on the right was a bridesmaid at Ashley and Tanya's wedding.

Above: With the runners having passed the gang set off from Rotherhithe to get over to the North side of the Thames and Shadwell.
Below: We've picked our vantage point at a place in Wapping where the runners run both up and down the street. At mile 21 Ashley and Chris will go by again. Ed, Linda, Ewan,Netty, Malcolm, Carly, Isaac, Mark, Ellis and Adam's wife Vic with their son.
Below: We've picked our vantage point at a place in Wapping where the runners run both up and down the street. At mile 21 Ashley and Chris will go by again. Ed, Linda, Ewan,Netty, Malcolm, Carly, Isaac, Mark, Ellis and Adam's wife Vic with their son.
Above: Ashley at mile 24.5 and he finds Tim and I having a great time cheering everyone on. To be fair as the next photo will testify Ashley was in far better nick than he looks here.
Below: Ashley, Tim and myself. Very proud Uncles right there!
Below: Ashley, Tim and myself. Very proud Uncles right there!
Below: Tim Cooper and Ashley English pose on the Victoria Embankment just down from Cleopatra's Needle.
Above: Ashley has headed off to the finish line. Tim and I set off to the pub in Victoria where we are scheduled to meet. via The War Office, The Elizabeth Tower (Big Ben) Parliament Square and Westminster Abbey.
Below: Adam is in the first group of lads to arrive. Here he is with Tanya's dad Mark. Mark enjoying a well deserved refreshment to lubricate those vocal chords that have been well used today.
Above:Grandad Malcolm & Nana Linda with Ashley & Tanya's youngest son Myles
Below: The lap of Nana Linda is hotly contested space amongst the four grandchildren.
Below: The lap of Nana Linda is hotly contested space amongst the four grandchildren.
Above: The oldest grandchild wins out!
Below: But not for long....
Below: But not for long....
Above & Below: MichalAngelo and an up to date version of lets get the kids some food
Above: Ashley arrives from the Mall to be greeted by us all.
Below: Ashley & Adam congratulate each other...first time catching up since they set of from Grenwich early this morning. (Flanked by Linda and Netty)
Below: Ashley & Adam congratulate each other...first time catching up since they set of from Grenwich early this morning. (Flanked by Linda and Netty)
Below: Ashley with young Myles with Michael in the foreground.
Above: Michael Furnifer, Adam Roper, Ashley English, Chris Pavey and Robert Dunn - Raised over 18k for the Hospice of The Good Shepherd.
Above: Myles always has a candle held for his dad
Ashley & Tim have a catch up and share beer and a joke together.
Above: Tim inspecting Ashley's London Marathon finishers medal.
Above: Ashley and Tanya's son Ellis proudly wearing his dads medal after raising 18k in memory of his much missed mum.
Above: Dearest Tanya.. Forever to be kept safe in all our hearts.
As an aside I had a great time enjoying watching my first football hero Malcolm (The finest Striker Earith FC ever had) go through the mill whilst watching Manchest United scrape through the penalty shoot out against Coventry City in the FA Cup semi-final. Malcolm, his son Ashley and Grandson Ellis and I'm betting Myles will be too, are all avid United fans. They won btw..'Just'.